First of all, we talk about Email marketing and why we are talking about it? Email Marketing is the method to promote any business, service, and product or any blog by sending emails to the User and we are talking about it to explain to you how to use email marketing to generate leads or conversions for running a successful business.
Is it possible that a person will open a mail? How much percentage do you think that a person will open a mail? And after opening one time, and our next mail will be open next time or not? There are lots of questions in your mind like these. For resolving these types of problems we are providing a complete guidance of Email marketing or you can say it an Ultimate Cheat Sheet of Email marketing for running your A to Z email campaigns. For example, how to know your customer? How to write an awesome email to your customers? How to increase chances to open your mail more and more times? These types of questions we will talk about in this article from last to end.
So let’s start with Email marketing from A to Z:
- Proficiency: Lots of companies don’t think to set rules to run a successful email campaign. But they know about a set of thumb rules very well which are always willing to learn, grow and get proficiency for a successful email marketing campaign. That A company can learn from own competitor company for best practices.
- Remember your business: Here we are talking about a goal that means objective of Business, for example, an e-commerce company goal is to sell products and earn money. According to this point, don’t forget yourself at the time of sending Email that means who you are? And what is the objective to send email to the user?
- Find your Customer: Audience, without this you are nothing. Any business can’t run without a customer. If we talk about the B2B market then one company is the customer of another company and vice-versa for the B2C The overall result of this point is that find your targeted audience for which you want to run Email campaign and also remember own self for best results.
- The concept of engagement (Design): Trust on us guys, In the mailbox (Inbox) almost 80% emails are boring and after some time they have gone into spam and their result is zero to send. So be creative to engage your audience. For understanding your audience you can take the help of A/B testing that sending to same emails with different style format and see the results and which was more engaging for your audience. This type of methods you can use for engaging your audience because after the content design is one of the most famous engagement factors.
- Email Campaigns: According to this point, if your one email is good and another or multiple emails will be excellent according to the first point. That means if an email receiver read your email and he queries to read your next mails then be sure that you are going on the right You can study your competitors’ emails for better references and learn from them, what they are implementing in their work?
- Niche Email (Content): Always remember your audience that they don’t know about your product and as well as you too. So speak always well about your product according to the audience and try not to add more technical terms or unnecessary words in your email.
- Test Your Email: You can test your Email by sending it your friends, your colleagues and your relatives and get reviews from them. It will helpful for you to do some changes and you will know that what they think about your email. Do some Changes in it and send it to your audience.
- Offers: you can give your customers or email receivers some offers like percentage-off coupons, some incentives for reading your mail. There are lots of offers are available in the market for a blogger and if we talk about B2B and B2C company they can directly provide any type of coupons to their customers for purchasing their products or receiving services.
- Support: Always support your audience if they inquire about anything related to your products or services. You never know who will convert into your permanent or excellent customer, so always remember that you have to give the attention to everyone who deserves it very well.
- Think as an Audience: we already told you always remember your audience. Don’t think always to sell your product or services. If you listen one word that is “Always has guts of giving”. That means to give first then think about to get back in term of lead or conversion (ROI). If you can’t give then don’t think to get the return. If you follow this strategy you always happy with email campaign’s results.
- Safe from spam: Don’t write spamming words in your email’s title or subject line if you want to save your email goes to in spam or junk folder because your audience will judge you an email before opening via subject line and after opening its title. So be careful at the time of writing an email. We already told you in above points be to remember your audience first that means what is the test of your audience and how to check the taste of your audience? Use these two methods to check your audience taste, first one is A/B Testing (We already told you about this method in above points.) and second is Multi-variant Testing (In this method you have to divide your A/B testing method into two parts, for example, you divided an email into two style format(A and B) but content is same in it, Now you have to divide your email first style in another two style and apply the same condition to another style and you will get four style formats of that same email content (A1, A2, B1, and B2). Now send them to your audience and check the results which mail is opened fast by comparing these four formats.) Using these methods you can save your mail to go into spam folder of Email box.
- Tools: You have to need tools to send emails after below mention these criteria:

- and these tools are MailChimp, Getresponse, Aweber and other lots of more tools for email marketing. Using these tools you can set your newsletter forms at your website and Autoresponders also for an automatic response from these tools.
- Trend: Always go with the trend, if you are not with trend then you could get loss in the form of lack of your audience because without following the trend you can’t survive your business on the online Go with the trend and make a relationship with your audience because with the trend your audience will also change.
Follow these major points and get extraordinary results in your Email Marketing Campaigns. Always remember these points at the time of writing an email for email marketing. Using our above mention guidance about Email marketing you can always satisfy your audience very well. Because without a satisfied audience you can’t think of a successful business.