Tips To Create High Quality Backlinks To Skyrocket Your Rank in 2022


So, finally, you found out about the importance of backlinks. 

I hope that you definitely know about the role backlinks in SEO .

See, backlinks alone have the power that can skyrocket your rank, but my friend it’s not that easy the way you are thinking. The number of backlinks you need to rank your page according to Google is enough to make most marketers give up.

How To Create High Quality Backlinks To Skyrocket Your Rank

Do you ever asked a question or gave a thought that why we should aim for high quality backlinks?

If you think that you just have to go there, write a bunch of articles, submit them to an article submission site and your work is done, then for this Google has introduced algorithm update name Penguin which will penalize your website.

So I think now you have understood why we need quality backlinks. So let’s have a discussion on it.

The right inbound website links can grow your google ranking thus resulting in increasing your revenue. There are top three factors which google take in consideration when it has to decide where to rank your website and those factors are:- the authority of your domain, external link anchor text, and the strength of those external links.

Now let’s throw the light on the ways you can create high quality backlinks.

  1.  Leverage Public Relations

There is a very clear point i.e. if people don’t know who you are then they will not link their website. By having good connections and a good profile can boost your rankings. The best way to have good connections and to improve your public relations is you have to be socially active on all social networking sites.

2. Understanding What Google Wants

Google has clearly defined that if you don’t want to get penalized than you must understand and work closely with Google mission i.e. The information for the whole world must be easily accessible and must be organized in a proper manner.

This means your content must not hurt sentiments of others and must not be an offensive one. You must write a content which must turn out as a useful one. The information you are providing must be relevant to the topic and you must not perform black-hat activities.

Make a note that; if you will closely study what your readers and ideal buyers want, then you don’t have to make the struggle to sell your product or service.

3. Keyword Research And Targeting

The relevant keywords play a great role in SEO.

One must know about the importance of keyword targeting. There are many tools in the market which offers keywords with their search volume which enables you to decide which keyword will be useful for you.

If you want to increase your click-through rate then you have to add as many as keywords in your content, website. It is because if someone is searching related to your content but with some other title or keywords, you can target that person too.

If you know about the demographics of your audience than with the help of keywords and your demographics you can enter in the mind of people. So you can present your content as you want which will result in high CTR and increase in revenue.

  1.  Try to Earn External Links

If you want to skyrocket your rank then there is a best way i.e. you must have external links. Read some great blogs, articles etc and if you like them then you must comment on their article and should share their article. By doing this you will provide them a back link. Thus you have created a relationship. This is how one must approach. The second way is that you should add amazing content to your website so that it can attract as many as people.

See, if you will make your website and it’s content to look attractive and worth full then obviously people will wish to get connected to your website.

  1. Align Social Signals

Being socially active is the key to get your website rank, just pick the number of sites suitable for you to manage and then start working on it. Working on less no. of sites is far way better than being unable to manage so many sites.

Just pick the sites you want and start sharing links of your website, blogs or you can run your own ad for eg- Facebook Ads. Many experts recommend Facebook ads as they are cheaper as compared to other sites. If you want a quick result then you should definitely use Facebook ads.


Create High Quality backlinks surely get traffic, so start making backlinks and always check your competitor’s strategy i.e. where they are making backlinks.

So just write good and useful content, the traffic will automatically divert to your website and just perform activities as I mentioned above and to know about more types of backlinks and how they must be created reach us at best digital marketing Institute in Jaipur.